Microsaurs--Follow that Tiny-Dactyl Read online

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  Davis, who has become my never-ending wellspring of wild ideas, crazy pseudoscientific Microsaur names, and dinosaur memes. Lots of memes. OH so many memes.

  Tanner, for being a constant companion and critiquing me like a pro. Not only is he my personal in-house Art Director and DJ, he’s always there for me when I need a thirty-minute Rocket League break. Okay, who am I kidding. It’s a one-hour break. Maybe two. Perhaps three on the weekends.

  Ben Brooks, who never let me give up this crazy writing thing. From first drafts of books that are better left unread, through the query minefield, to publication, he’s always been there to laugh, encourage, and complain. All of which play their part. You’re next, Ben.

  The team at Feiwel & Friends, for taking a chance on unknown me. I’m humbled so many of you worked behind the scenes, without the credit you deserve, to turn this story into a book. But I’d be a fool not to thank Jean Feiwel for the trust, and certainly Liz Dresner for the incredible design.

  Holly West, the finest editor I could ever imagine. She gets my stories and she gets ME, which is no small task. Not only does she allow me to be my creative self, she demands it. Her passion for all things tiny was the fuel in a tired author/illustrator’s tank.

  Gemma Cooper, my agent, my friend. Part cheerleader, part therapist, part confidante, part editor, part brainstormer, part visionary—all heart. Impossible to imagine working in the world of words without Gemma by my side.

  But most of all, and forever, my dear wife, Jodi, who has read millions of my sloppy words in the past ten years. And I’m not kidding. MILLIONS. Nobody in the world understands how the two of us work, but we do, in the very best of ways. Ours is a story written in the stars, baby. This book, and all the rest, belong to you. It’s me and you against the world!

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  Dustin Hansen, author of Game On! and the Microsaurs series, was raised in rural Utah where he spent many days hiking red rock canyons that once belonged to the dinosaurs. After studying art at Snow College, Dustin began working in the video game industry, where he has been following his passions of art and writing for more than twenty years. When not writing or making video games, Dustin can often be found hiking with his family in the same canyons he grew up in, with a sketchbook in his pocket, a new idea in his mind, and a well-stocked backpack over his shoulders. You can sign up for email updates here.

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  Title Page

  Copyright Notice


  Chapter 1: Adventure Awaits

  Chapter 2: And the Crowd Goes WILD!

  Chapter 3: Follow that Smudge

  Chapter 4: Enter at Your Own Risk

  Chapter 5: The Secret Barn-Lab-Library Thingy

  Chapter 6: The Microterium

  Chapter 7: The Grass Clump Man

  Chapter 8: The Microsaurs

  Chapter 9: I Have a Theory

  Chapter 10: TAXI!

  Chapter 11: New Friends

  Chapter 12: A View from Above

  Chapter 13: The Plan

  Chapter 14: The Expand-O-Matic 2

  Chapter 15: Crushing It on the Ramp-O-Saurus

  A Video Note from Professor Penrod

  Facts about Pterosaurs


  About the Author


  Copyright © 2017 by Dustin Hansen

  A Feiwel and Friends Book

  An imprint of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC

  175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010


  All rights reserved.

  Feiwel and Friends logo designed by Filomena Tuosto

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Hansen, Dustin, author, illustrator.

  Title: Microsaurs: follow that tiny-dactyl / Dustin Hansen; illustrated by Dustin Hansen.

  Description: New York: Feiwel & Friends, 2017. | Series: Microsaurs; 1 | Summary: After spotting a miniature pterodactyl, Danny and his best friend Lin encounter a mysterious invention that shrinks them down to the size of a raisin. Identifiers: LCCN 2016027199 (print) | LCCN 2016047911 (ebook) | ISBN 9781250090218 (hardback) | ISBN 9781250090225 (paperback) | ISBN 9781250090232 (Ebook) Subjects: | CYAC: Pterodactyls—Fiction. | Dinosaurs—Fiction. | Size—Fiction. | Inventions—Fiction. | Friendship—Fiction. | Adventure and adventurers—Fiction. | BISAC: JUVENILE FICTION / Animals / Dinosaurs & Prehistoric Creatures. | JUVENILE FICTION / Social Issues / Friendship.

  Classification: LCC PZ7.1.H3643 Fo 2017 (print) | LCC PZ7.1.H3643 (ebook) | DDC [Fic]—dc23

  LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016027199

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  First hardcover edition 2017

  eBook edition January 2017

  eISBN 9781250090232